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How Do You Negotiate a Wedding Venue Contract

During the summer, wedding venues are more likely to refuse to negotiate because they know that if you leave, they can find another client on that date. Outside of peak hours, you may be the only way to make money. This means they are more willing to give a good discount to insure your business. To get the best deals, you may need to be flexible about when you make your reservation. Weekday or winter bookings greatly increase your bargaining power as there is much less competition for a venue`s services. Check out this list of pre-negotiated wedding venues in your area that don`t charge an arm and a leg: A seller may be willing to negotiate as long as you agree to compromise something on your end. For example, a prospective photographer may agree to give you an extra hour of shooting, but only if you let them take your engagement photos. But remember, if you ask for less, expect to get a little less. If it gets to the point where they ask you to sacrifice more than you`re willing to get a better deal, you may want to consider going in a different direction to find a more suitable option. It may not be intended that way, and it doesn`t matter. It may seem obvious, but it`s always a good idea to put everything in writing. You will likely get in touch with your wedding venue during the planning process, which will come in handy. Spend time learning what the market is for a particular service (you can check out tons of amazing providers on The Knot Marketplace).

This will give you good context and make you think about what works for your budget, what a fair deal looks like, and what you might be able to negotiate. When making price comparisons, just be sure to compare similar things (a Michelin-starred restaurant and a local family catering business are simply different). If you know the market, you can have good leverage when trading with a place or other professional you like. This allows you to say (politely): ”We are in love with this room, but unfortunately our budget will not cover it. There`s another place we`re considering that costs X amount of money, but this one is really our number one. Could you follow suit or at least compromise? Your first choice will usually be willing to offer you discounts or compromises in other areas to secure your business (and they want you to be happy!). Now, don`t choose a place that is well over budget, book it, and then try to negotiate it. It won`t work well for you. Choose a venue that will always have an affordable menu for you if your negotiations don`t end the way you want. There are many ways to effectively budget your wedding and cut costs – with a little preparation, you can save a lot! 9 times out of 10, this will be your best course of action if you are not very familiar with wedding and event spaces. It also shows instead that you`re willing to be flexible and work with them on what your package will look like in the end.

It`s natural to be nervous if you don`t have experience in trading, but you don`t want to show it. If you seem shy, they will know that they can reject your application without risking your business. The ideal attitude is not to attach emotions to the outcome of negotiations, although it is naturally difficult to achieve this when planning your wedding! Think of it this way – for example, if you`re saving an average of 10% on most things, on a wedding that costs $28,000 (average cost of the wedding), the savings of almost $3,000 could give you a pretty good boost to your honeymoon budget! If you`re negotiating a discount, the more information you have, the better. If you`re just talking to a wedding venue, you`re in a bad negotiating position because they know they`re your only real option. These celebrants offer great pre-negotiated packages and don`t waste your time haggling over the price: let`s say you want to negotiate a discount with the wedding venue of your choice. How do you do it? Let`s take a look at eight simple steps you can follow to get the best possible deal: once you`ve done the research, decide that you liked the supplier`s offer the most (this is not common), contact the provider and tell them that you will be willing to sign the contract, since the services are offered at the old discounted price (look how the ”limited-time offer” is miraculously extended to you, but only because they ”really loved you”). .